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8° - Intendant of the Building

Lodge of Perfection

The apron is white, lined with red and bordered with green; in the center is an embroidered nine-pointed star and over that a balance. On the flap is a triangle, with Phoenician letters at each angle. The three colors white, red and green, the chief symbolic colors of Scottish Rite Masonry, teach is to imitate the purity of morals and zeal for the service of Masonry which have made our deceased Master immortal in the recollection of men. The jewel is a delta of gold. On one side is engraved or enameled a Phoenician word meaning 'nobles' or 'freeborn'; on the reverse the letters are Samaritan and stand for Achad, or 'our only God, chief and source of all'. Pike derives this interpretation from its root which means 'first'. The triangular shape is the most fundamental symbol of the Deity. The cordon is a broad watered crimson ribbon, worn from right to left; the jewel is suspended from it by a green ribbon. DUTIES Be benevolent and charitable. LESSONS Benevolence and charity demand we correct our own faults and those of others. That which a man knows dies with him; therefore, transmit your knowledge. Labor is honorable if done with sobriety, temperance, punctuality and industry. FOR REFLECTION Is this life more than a portal to another? IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Triple triangle, nine pointed star, the colors crimson, green and white.


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