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7° - Provost and Judge

Lodge of Perfection

The apron is of white lambskin edged in red. In the center is a red-edged pocket with a red and white rosette just below the opening. This pocket holds the plans for the Temple. On the flap is embroidered a hand of justice holding a scale.

The jewel is a gold key which unlocks the ebony box seen in the ceremony. The ebony box represents the human heart where the candidate is to lock up the secrets of the order and as Mackey says, "... in the human heart are deposited the secret designs and motives of our conduct by which we propose to erect the spiritual temple of our lives" (Vol. 1, p. 307). This key is especially emblematic of that justice and uprightness that alone can unlock for us the mysteries contained in the higher degrees and enable us to advance toward perfection.

The cordon is a broad, watered crimson ribbon, worn from right to left and from which is suspended the jewel.


Let justice be the guide of your actions.


All actions have consequences. Be just in judging others' motives.


Are the duties of a judge a burden or an honor?


Equal balance, ebony box, triangle, the color red.


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