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27° - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept

Council of Kadosh

The apron is of pure white lambskin and has no edging or pattern except the interlaced pentagram, which is traced in the middle in vermilion.

There are three jewels. The presiding officer wears a jewel that is a representation of the sun in gold, suspended by a chain of gold and worn around the neck. The reverse is a hemisphere of gold showing the northern half of the ecliptic and a zodiac, with the signs from Taurus to Libra inclusive. The other officers wear a jewel composed of a simple seven-pointed star of gold. The remaining members of the council wear a jewel that is a gold five-pointed star. Only the jewel of the degree is shown in the illustration.

The order is a broad white watered ribbon worn as a collar. On the right side is painted an eye of gold, a symbol of the sun or of the Deity. DUTIES Be a lover of wisdom. Be faithful to the promises you made within the Masonry.

LESSONS Nature reveals a power and wisdom and continually points to God. The visible is a manifestation of the invisible. In the universe two opposite forces provide balance. There is no death, only change. Philosophy is a kind of journey, ever learning, but never arriving at the ideal of truth. The moral code of Masonry is more extensive than that of philosophy.

FOR REFLECTION Is the universe friendly to me?

IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Ancient of Days, Seal of Solomon (Macrocosm), Pentagram (Microcosm), triangles of red, green and white, the number seven.


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