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15° - Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle

Chapter of Rose Croix

The cordon of a Knight of the East is a broad, green watered ribbon, worn as a baldric, from the left to right, without a jewel. Also among the clothing of this degree is a broad sash of white watered silk edged on the upper side and fringed with gold on the lower. It is worn around the waist with the ends hanging down on the left side. On one end there is a gold arched bridge with the letters L.D.P. over the arch. Suspended from the right side is a small silver trowel. The apron is crimson velvet. On the flap is an embroidered gold bleeding head over crossed swords. In the center are three nested gold triangles formed from chains with triangular links. These represent the chains on the human intellect; tyranny, superstition and privilege. The velvet signifies that the honors of Masonry are more precious than the gift of kings. The jewel is three nested triangles of gold. In the center are two crossed swords, points upward, the hilts resting on the base of the inner triangle. The nested triangles symbolize liberty, equality and fraternity; and also law, order and subordination. The crossed swords, truth and justice. There are additional decorations peculiar to this degree: green kid gloves and a black broad-brimmed hat with green plume. Green, the dominant symbolic color, represents here the immortality of the human soul and even of Masonry itself. As you may recall in the 3rd Degree of the Symbolic Lodge, Fellowcrafts present themselves before King Solomon clad in white gloves. White gloves are also worn in the 14th Degree of the Scottish Rite. In both instances, they are a symbol of innocence, cleanliness of mind, heart and soul. DUTIES Rebuild the Masonic temple of liberty, equality and fraternity in the souls of men and of nations. LESSONS Fidelity to trust, honor and duty. Perseverance and constancy under difficulties and discouragements. FOR REFLECTION Is equality the basis of all freedom? IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Bridge with letters L.D.P., the colors green, white and red, the trowel, and the sword.


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